How to write a film analysis paper
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
To Shame or Not to Shame the Offenders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
To Shame or Not to Shame the Offenders - Essay Example Tangney accepts that disgrace disheartens the guilty party to be better. While perusing this article, the primary inquiry that waited as a primary concern is how we can demoralize wrongdoing in the public arena? Basically, it is significant to disgrace people to discourage wrongdoing in the general public. All things considered, one approach to dishearten wrongdoers from perpetrating a wrongdoing is by forcing a structure where they comprehend that they will procure what they planted. Consequently, this paper looks to examine why it is critical to disgrace guilty parties so they can concentrate on the negative impacts of their behavior.â I concur with Tangney article on how guilty parties are probably going to be blame when detained forever. As this article puts it, this may build brutalization in the public eye and increment the crime percentage. The demonstration of detaining individuals to death may increment mental issues and subsequently, this is probably going to expand the pace of executing. The demonstration is ethically dangerous and imperfect particularly with the cost connected to it. Tangney (571) accepts that society should endeavor to guarantee that guilty parties comprehend their negative productive emotions. For example, the administration may make a stage where guilty parties comprehend the difficult effect they bring to other people. Tangney accepts this would keep individuals from carrying out the wrongdoing without detaining them for life.However, I accept that most guilty parties are egotistical and they couldn't care less about the individual they are hurting. For example, one would go into a ge ms store and take a costly neckband. I accept that such an individual comprehend the negative results of his practices to other people. In different examples, sex guilty parties are narrow minded and couldn't care less about the results of their negative practices. They overlook the way that the individual they are explicitly ambushing can be explicitly tainted or get pregnant. In light of my investigation, I accept that most wrongdoers are completely mindful of their activities and how they influence others. With this, I accept that guilty parties ought to languish over their bad behaviors and on account of homicide; the individual merits a capital punishment (Cromie and Lynn 22). The proportion of the disciplines ought to rely on the greatness of the wrongdoing. The court ought to rebuff those off base to deflect wrongdoing in the general public. Hoodlums ought to be rebuffed for the bad behavior and the death penalty or capital punishment ought to be forced on those indicted for an extreme wrongdoing. The death penalty is advocated to a country as it dissuades murders from slaughtering honest individuals.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Concepts and Definitions in Operational Management
Ideas and Definitions in Operational Management Question 1: Answer: OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT Operational administration alludes to dealing with the activities of an association. Dealing with the activities intends to deal with the assets and follow the approaches and methods of any association. The essential and most significant activity of the board is to process the contributions to yields to get wanted outcomes. The significance of operational administration contains words for example assets, frameworks, change or change and yields. (Business) These words can be clarified as :- RESOURCESResources are the man, material and cash in the association. Man or staff is the major or key prerequisite in an association. Material is likewise significant in light of the fact that without accessibility of material creation can't be conceivable. Furthermore, cash or capital is required for employing staff and for buying the crude material with the goal that the crude material can be changed over into completed items through creation. Frameworks There is a framework which each organization needs to follow. Each association has a few strategies and methods which encourages the association to accomplish their objectives and aides in benefit expansion. In the event that the work done in an association is as indicated by the arrangement, at that point it helps in achieving the objective of the organization. Arranging is the first and significant advance of the board. Without arranging no other capacity can be acted in an association. Transformation Transformation implies changed over the sources of info (for example the crude material) into yields (for example completed merchandise). In an association crude material can be changed over into work in progress and afterward into completed merchandise. At the point when the material is transformated from contributions to yields then this procedure is known as efficiency. Yields Yields are the conclusive outcomes which every association gets after change of contributions to completed items. On the off chance that the estimation of yields is more noteworthy than the expense of information sources utilized then we can say that the worth is added to item thus the yield helps in expanding benefits of organization. (yields) THE STRATEGIC ROLE OF OPERATIONS :- Client SATISFACTIONThe fundamental goal of working frameworks is to fulfill the clients by giving them better items with ease and by giving them preferred administrations over different organizations . Buyers can be fulfilled if the items are not very expensive and accessible on schedule. (Understanding tasks the board) Asset UTILISATIONAnother significant goal of working frameworks is to use assets for the fulfillment of client needs adequately. Client support must be given the accomplishment of powerful tasks through productive utilization of assets. Wasteful utilization of assets or insufficient client assistance prompts business disappointment of a working framework. Productivity Another goal of operational administration is proficiency. Productivity is should in each association .Higher effectiveness helps in less wastage of assets. In the event that the assets are not squandered, at that point it will prompt less per unit cost of creation. Effectiveness helps in specialization of staff. QUALITY Quality is likewise another significant target of operational administration. Each client needs an item which is excellent in quality and furthermore with less expense. Quality aides in fulfilling the clients and on the off chance that the client is fulfilled, at that point successful connection can be work among customers and association. Versatility in the event that the amount and nature of the item is upto the imprint and furthermore the cost of the item is moderate then that item is made due in since quite a while ago run that implies the item helps for future endurance of the organization. Question 2: Answer:â Production implies bit by bit transformation of crude material into work in progress and from work in progress into completed merchandise. Creation is a significant and fundamental capacity of any association. Without doing creation no association can endure or stay existing. Arrangement OF PRODUCTION SYSTEMProduction frameworks can be delegated Job-shop, Batch, Mass and Continuous creation frameworks. Occupation Shop Production: When just a single item or a couple of amount of items are fabricated and the item which are created is according to the particular given by the clients then that kind of creation is known as Job shop creation. (items administrations) Points of interest: It helps in accessibility of more assortment of items. It helps in improving the aptitudes of the workers. Progressively innovative thoughts of representatives can be utilized in this technique for creation framework. Confinements More staff is required as the productiin is not many. High time expended in less creation. Creation arranging is entangled. More wastage of assets bringing about higher per unit cost of creation. Clump Production : When the creation is done in parcels or groups then this productionis known as bunch creation. In this sort of creation the parcels are not delivering constantly however in constrained amount. (creation framework) Preferences Cost per unit is low. Bunch creation helps in work satisfaction.â It helps in better usage of assets. It requires low speculations for creation as the creation isn't done in mass amount. Constraints Treatment of material is exceptionally troublesome. Progressively material is required subsequently more wastage of assets. Large scale manufacturing : When the creation is done in mass amount and ceaseless then that kind of creation is known as large scale manufacturing. In this kind of creation the machines are organized in a line. Favorable circumstances Per unit cost of each creation is low. Less time is expended in delivering mass amount. With less material amount higher creation should be possible. Large scale manufacturing helps in less wastage of resources.â Confinements Large scale manufacturing requires higher speculations and assets. In the event that the machine utilized in delivering mass amount is harmed or breakdown, at that point entire creation line will be halted. Consistent Production : When the creation is done continuouslyâ for example the creation begins from utilizing the crude material and closures with completed items. This kind of creation is done when the treatment of material is completely mechanized. (persistent creation framework) Favorable circumstances Less time is devoured in delivering more units. It helps in more usage of accessible assets. It helps in less wastage of assets. Per unit cost is low in ceaseless creation. Weaknesses It requires high speculation. In the event that maker need to do any adjustment in any item, at that point it isn't posdible. Question 3: After fundamentally assessing the key operational switches, talk about which can be applied to the board of administration activities of Ryanair for the proactive administration of client experience. [ 15 Marks] Answer:â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â What is a switch? switches are activities that a customer can embrace so as to drive the ideal impact.â There is normally a boundless number of things an organization can think about difficult so as to improve their business. (Industry week) Five key switches to efficiency improvement consistently There are Five key switches for consistently improvement. These switches can be clarified as : 1. Cost structure Cost structure is a strategy for decide the amount it will cost an organization to fabricate an item and how much benefit will be perceived from assembling an item. It is essential to structure or deal with the expense. So that the per unit cost of an item diminishes and benefit from that item increments. On the off chance that the expense of the last yield is more than the expense of the info then it tends to be said that the worth is added to the item. 2. Association of work In any association if the working of the association is as indicated by the plans and approaches then this likewise helps in better usage of assets and aides in accomplishing of authoritative objectives. This aides in rebuilding of an association. (total deals and-tasks arranging) 3. Business forms Business process is an assortment of related organized exercises that produce a particular item for a specific client. This switch contains fill in as a group and on the off chance that the representatives of the organization are cooperated with no turmoil, at that point it helps in improving the situation of business since it is significant for each association to work in cordinating with the workers. 4. Information the board Information the board implies dealing with the information and data of an association. Information the board helps in improving the presentation of the organization. With this switch an association can accomplish more developments brings about giving preferred items to shoppers over their competitives. It additionally helps in constant improvement of the association. 5. Data Technology (IT) It is the utilization of PCs to store,study and control the information or data of the business. Business need to assume responsibility for this switch and starts IT in its procedure. IT helps in putting away and sparing the information or data of any endeavor and that data can be utilized at whatever point it is required. This will help in decreasing desk work in the association. End There are a few switches which helps in improving regular business works. These switches must be incorporated into business at the earliest opportunity to drive the ideal effect. These switches helps in accomplishing of association destinations proficiently and viably and improves the working of the association. References total deals and-tasks arranging. (n.d.). Recovered from http://gallery deals and-tasks planning.html Business. (n.d.). Recovered from material/limitless business-course book/tasks the executives 10/prologue to-activities the board 69/an investigation of-process-328-7195/: readings/endless business-reading material/activities the executives 10/prologue to-tasks the board 69/an investigation of-professional
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Kearny, Philip
Kearny, Philip Kearny, Philip kär ´ne , 1814â€"62, Union general in the American Civil War, b. New York City; nephew of Stephen Watts Kearny . After studying law he joined (1837) the army. One of three officers sent to study the French cavalry service (1839), he served (1840) with the French in Algeria. In the Mexican War, Kearny lost an arm at Churubusco. He resigned from the army in 1851 to travel and in 1859 fought again with the French in the war for Italian liberation. Upon the outbreak of the Civil War he was appointed brigadier general of volunteers and given command of the 1st New Jersey Brigade. Kearny fought in the Peninsular campaign and at the second battle of Bull Run. While reconnoitering at Chantilly, he unknowingly entered the enemy's lines and was killed (Sept., 1862). Kearny was noted for his courage and dash and was idolized by his men. Kearny , N.J., is named for him. See biography by I. Werstein (1962). The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. See more Encyclopedia articles on: U.S. History: Biographies
Saturday, May 23, 2020
America Has Made Mistakes Before - 1678 Words
America has made mistakes before, now the country plans out their economy’s future a little more. One of the top five largest economies in the world, the United States, promises for new laws regulating and decreasing in tax burdens in United States’ markets. Americans can expect to see a faster growth than previous years, and according to Forbes article The U.S. Economy In 2017: Welcome Higher Growth, â€Å"the U.S. economy will be a key driving force of other Western economies†(Chafuen 1). Especially now with the new president, Trump, he has already made the US more appealing and put a rise in stocks by electing certain cabinet members. This shows the world taking Trump s approach seriously. The unemployment rate influences the economy. At†¦show more content†¦The stock market heavily influences the strength of an economy. The new president’s plans for the American economy have prompted investors to start buying and investing again. According to USA Today, the â€Å"Trump Rally†was what put the Dow Jones average back on track. One could argue the American unemployment has taken a negative turn. The ideal unemployment rate is 3-4 percent, according to Bloomberg article, Why Not Target a 3% Unemployment Rate and the United States’ current unemployment rate, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, is at 4.5 percent. However, this is a big drop in unemployment from the past few years and a .4 percent drop just since February. Though the unemployment rate is not perfect, it does seem to be improving. The wage growth/personal income not increasing may be a serious problem. However, according to Kevin Hassett, Trump’s nomination for Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors, a rise in the minimum wage could harm the economy, as stated by Bloomberg article, Trump Names Hassett to Head Council of Economic Advisors. Investors have been prompted to begin buying and investing in the market. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Frankenstein Gothic Literature Essay - 1378 Words
The novel Frankenstein falls under two different genres of literature: Gothic novel and Science fiction; however, some people consider it a Romance novel or Horror fiction. Mary Shelley, author of Frankenstein, was 18 years old when she wrote the book in 1816. The book was first published in 1818 and revised in 1831. Mary Shelley was born in 1797. She was the second daughter of a feminist philosopher, educator, and writer Mary Wollstonecraft; but the first child of the philosopher, novelist, and journalist William Godwin. Coming from the letters of William Godwin’s housekeeper and nurse Louisa Jones, Mary’s early years were filled with joy and happiness. Mary was educated very little, her father tortured her in a wide range of subjects.†¦show more content†¦After her husbands death she was determined to live by her pen and for her son, but financially she was precarious. On July 23, 1823 she went back home to England and stayed with her father and step mother; that is, until her father-in-law empowers her to stay closer to him. Mary Shelley’s final years were filled with illness. In 1839 she struggled with headaches and paralysis in some parts of her body. Having to suffer from that it prevented he from reading and writing. She died February 1, 1851 at Chester Square at the age of fifty-three due to a brain tumor. On the first anniversary of her death the family opened her box-desk, and inside they found locks of her dead children’s hair, a notebook she rationed with Percy, and a copy of his poem Adonà ¯s with one page folded round a silk parcel that was with some of his apse and what was left of his heart. Frankenstein’s content is about a doctor whose name is Victor Frankenstein who had an excess amount of knowledge in science. With his knowledge of science he spent months trying to create life by using old body parts. One night, in his hidden apartment, he brought his creation to life. He was the first to create a monster who was tolerant, sympathetic, and approachable at first. The monsters appearance was different from the other humans, everyone was scared of it and that made the monster feelShow MoreRelatedEssay on Frankenstein as Gothic Literature3563 Words  | 15 PagesIn what ways can Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Be considered as a Gothic novel? Can Gothic literature still appeal to us today? Gothic Literature was most popular from about 1764 until 1832, a period of nearly seventy years. At this time there were many successful and famous authors who wrote books which contained a somewhat gothic theme. These include the famous Brontà « Sisters with the novels Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre, both of which can be found on many modern bookshelves of todayRead MoreFrankenstein as a Gothic Novel Essay1332 Words  | 6 Pagesthemes: these are elements of a Gothic novel. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
MBA Admissions Essays Free Essays
Essay # 1 List one of your most significant professional or organizational accomplishments. Describe your precise role in this event and how it has helped to shape your management skills. I started out initially as a technical support representative for a Stage Software Inc. We will write a custom essay sample on MBA Admissions Essays or any similar topic only for you Order Now in 2003 for a period of six months while presently I am associated with McKing Consulting Corporation. However for a period of two years I was associated with SunTrust Bank, where I started out as a Staff Accountant level one and in a year’s time was promoted to the next level this was based on outstanding job performance and proposal. In addition during the initially stage I was one of the team members who was responsible for relocation and change of the accounting system of an acquired bank into SunTrust’s accounting system. (Listed as Significant Achievement in the Resume) In the beginning of my last year with the bank, SunTrust finance organization experienced some specific changes in various departments. This was done to realign its objectives to achieve strategic vision of the Bank. Consequently, my department’s operations were altered the Controllers to Finance operations. Prior to the changes the monthly financial closing constituted s cross-functional departments,  my department was also a part of this financial closing. Following were some of the problems which existed in the past: For each financial closing a significant challenge was that most of the time some of the more important processes which were crucial for month end close were missed or delayed. Communication between team members was either limited or non-existent There was no system in place for a smooth flow of process. Understanding the need to restructure the month end process, I rose to the challenge by taking the idea of synchronizing the month end close. As I was not very familiar with the different processes, my inexperience was one of the major impediments. I succeeded in coming up with a task plan to achieve the goals. Initially I set up a meeting with the related teams and managers who were involved to get familiar with the different month end actions that needed to be processed. From the information received at the meeting I was able to draft a month end schedule, which detailed a list of responsibilities and prioritized the orders. This was presented for productive criticisms and reaction. It was accepted by the teams and the managers and after its implementation there was a remarkable improvement in the month end process. This experience taught me the importance of working as a team and the importance of communication and coordinationâ€â€a skill which is essential for business leaders and managers. In addition the significance of organization and time management through prioritization to achieve objectives became very clear. This was my first experience as a leader as I initiated the change to create a more efficient set-up. The opportunity gave me an insight into the organizational processes. Although at a very basic level however this initiative showed me as a leader and strengthen my professional growth however it was not enough as there is a need to further strengthen and polish the skills I have and MBA degree would he helpful in these respects. I am confident that my MBA experience will provide me with ample opportunities to demonstrate my leadership skills and also learn from future leaders. Essay # 2 Of Goizueta`s core values (courage, integrity, accountability, rigor, diversity, team, community), which value resonates most with you and why? 1 page Courage is the something which I believe is a very important part of my personality and life. Almost 8 years back when I left Nigeria leaving behind family and friends I was not sure what it would be like in the United States and the people and the environment was completely alien for me. However it was my determination and my courage which made me carry on in spite of all the adversities. I was determined to be successful in my life and through perseverance and concerted effort I was able to assimilate in the new society. Initially it was very depressing as I was all alone and had no one to turn to and I realized that if I kept on pondering about it I would have to return. For this I formed a plan to succeed and I went started implementing it. I found a group of immigrants from Nigeria –this group provided a sense of support to carry on and eventually I was able to familiarize myself with the surroundings. Another thing I realized was to be financially independent. In Nigeria it was the parent’s responsibility to put children through school however here I had to get and education and support myself at the same time. With careful research, I realized that I would be able to secure financial aid and apply for scholarship to pay for school. The immigration experience has in reality strengthened my character different ways and this strength would be helpful both for my career and my personal life. Though it may sound clichà ©d, but courage in the face of adversity inadvertently leads to success. Through this experience I also learned to value and be sensitive to other cultures and to enrich others with mine. I also discovered myself, a thing that would not have happened if I had not been exposed to this kind of experience. I was brave and I had a vision of my future, my resilience and optimism have paved the way for success. Essay # 3 Of Goizueta`s core values (courage, integrity, accountability, rigor, diversity, team, community), which value resonates most with you and why? 1 page Courage is the something which I believe is a very important part of my personality and life. Almost 8 years back when I left Nigeria leaving behind family and friends I was not sure what it would be like in the United States and the people and the environment was completely alien for me. However it was my determination and my courage which made me carry on in spite of all the adversities. I was determined to be successful in my life and through perseverance and concerted effort I was able to assimilate in the new society. Initially it was very depressing as I was all alone and had no one to turn to and I realized that if I kept on pondering about it I would have to return. For this I formed a plan to succeed and I went started implementing it. I found a group of immigrants from Nigeria –this group provided a sense of support to carry on and eventually I was able to familiarize myself with the surroundings. Another thing I realized was to be financially independent. In Nigeria it was the parent’s responsibility to put children through school however here I had to get and education and support myself at the same time. With careful research, I realized that I would be able to secure financial aid and apply for scholarship to pay for school. The immigration experience has in reality strengthened my character different ways and this strength would be helpful both for my career and my personal life. Though it may sound clichà ©d, but courage in the face of adversity inadvertently leads to success. Through this experience I also learned to value and be sensitive to other cultures and to enrich others with mine. I also discovered myself, a thing that would not have happened if I had not been exposed to this kind of experience. I was brave and I had a vision of my future, my resilience and optimism have paved the way for success. Essay # 4 What do you expect to accomplish in the Goizueta Business School MBA program? How will your participation in the MBA program fit in with your experiences and responsibilities as well as your short and long-term career goals? My life and the experiences since 1998 have been anything but normal. Emigrating from Nigeria was the first important landmark in my life. However, when I graduated from Georgia State University with a major in Accounting and Computer Information Systems I realized that in fact my BBA Cum Laude was the first goal in procession goals I had lined up. After my graduation my past four years experience in different organizations mentioned in the resume have helped me gain the knowledge and experience I feel was necessary to start my MBA degree which I regard as the final step before seriously starting a career. Even as my professional experiences have facilitated me to develop strong skills in Accounting with the application of technology, I believe that at this point my career objective is to evolve into corporate finance by channeling my experience and developing further my knowledge of finance. I am convinced that an MBA with concentration in finance coupled with my professional familiarity will be an important asset creating a path to achieve my career goals. My short-term goal is to obtain a job related to Corporate Finance in a Fortune 500 company or to enter corporate finance practice of a consulting firm. This goal has been formed because of my experience working as a second level accountant in the Controllers’ division of SunTrust bank. My experience at SunTrust has given me the experience needed to understand the dynamics of finance and operational activities through the various accounting assignments I participated in. My long term objectives are strategic objectives based on the short term ones, because my ultimate goal  after gaining extensive knowledge and experienceâ€â€is to form a financial advisory services firm that will cater to the needs of small to mid-size companies by helping organizations with raising capital, and ground-breaking financial planning solutions that will improve financial performance and value of business. An MBA from Emory University is necessary because will provide the additional knowledge base that are vital to fulfill the different short term and long term career goals. What particularly interests me is Gozuieta’s commitment to leadership development through the plus programs and extracurricular activities which would give ample opportunity for me to further improve and enhance my leadership skills. Also, Goizueta’s flexible program will not only help polish my skills in other fundamental functional business areas but will also allow me to modify my selection of courses according to detailed career interests. Most importantly, my visit to Emory University was both informative and inspirational I was able to obtain more information about the structure of the program. In addition, it gave me the chance to interact with alumni, current MBA students and a faculty member. I it was very beneficial listening to their first hand experiences and also learn about the close-knit community at Goizueta. This I believe is very significant as it allows the fostering of meaningful relationships. Overall, I was really impressed with the talent and diversity of the students this has certainly strengthened my resolve to be a part of Goizueta business school. If given an opportunity I assure you that I would contribute through my hard work and experiences to the classroom and more importantly gain knowledge and an understanding of the corporate world. How to cite MBA Admissions Essays, Essays
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Case Study & Lecture Notes For Business Canvas Model Of A Business Pla
Question: Make business canvas model of a business plan. Answer: Problem Solution Value Propositions Unfair Advantage Customer Segments Fluctuations in the prices of chemicals affect the prices of bio diesel Difficulties in collecting the waste or used oil Extra cost of transportation With the increased demand, waste oil cannot be accumulated In short run, conversion of bio diesel is expensive Proper channel can be designed to collect the waste oil from sources Municipal corporations arrange transportation facilities to collect waste oil from households The above option can meet with the increased demand of oil in future too Biodiesel offers triplet benefits i.e. environmental benefits, waste management and economic benefits. It will sustain the environment by reducing the emission that can cause Asthma. Can be used without using conversion method in or technologies in their engines. Most economical substitute fuel It meets most clean standardcriteria Increasing lubricity, high cetane and oxygen content ata high level Extend the life of engines Can use low quality used oil Increase price with market demand Household Transporters Industrialists Farmers Early Adopters Households Transporters Key Partners Key Activities Channels The restaurants, hotels,snack bars, cafeterias and lunch trucks Transporters and logistics Vendors or Equipments suppliers Chemical Suppliers To concentrate that while using the advance technology to extract the oil, itshould be costefficient to compete with other fuel alternatives. Quality maintenance so that after using this alternative,customersmay not switch to another product again. A companyshould focus on efficient supply chain and smooth flow oftransportationand distribution channel. Continuous RD will improve the functionality, quality and cost efficiency of it. Further, searching for efficient professional staff and complying all the legal laws are also other key activities for this business. Marketing and promotions through websites Create awareness through Newspaper Articles through Magazines Hoardings at public places and pump stations Environmental committees and NGOs Key Resources Somebio diesel processing units for heating and mixing Drum forkeepingthe unrefined oil, finished fuel, glycerin and other chemicals Some container of various sizes for chemical pouring and waste glycerin and oil emulsion somesafety Equipmentslike face shield, gloves and apron For smooth distribution and collection of oil, transportation facilities Cost Structure Revenue Streams Under direct cost, Material, Labor and Plant Hire involves $111 The total of Recurrent Overheads is $203 ( involving site facilities, Plant Equipment site maintenance, Project management costs, Commercial expenses and QA and Safety expenses) Non-recurrent overheads will be Establishment and mobilisation exp., Disestablishment and demobilisation exp, Project insurances exp, Professional fees that will cost $202 Owner cost will be $301 Contractors fees is $101 The byproduct while producing the bio diesel may be used as the secondary revenue stream like glycerin is used for making small soaps. Methyl esters is another by product and revenue stream for biodiesel production Instant payment from local sale Reference Asia Pacific Economic Corporation, 2009, Successful Business Models for New and Renewable Energy Technology Implementation in APEC. APEC Energy Working Group, New Zeland Benefits | Region 9: Biodiesel | US EPA. 2015.Benefits | Region 9: Biodiesel | US EPA. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 25 January 2015]. ElSolh, N.E.M, 2011. The Manufacture of Biodiesel from the used vegetable oil, Kassel. Gerhard Knothe, J. Krahl, J. Van Gerpen , 2010 , Biodiesel Handbook (2nd Edition) by. Urbana IL: AOCS press Mind of marketing: What is customer segmentation?. 2015.mind of marketing: What is customer segmentation?. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 25 January 2015]. Osterlander Pigneur (2010), Business Model Generation. Wiley: NY Sawhney,M., Wolcott, R.C. and Arroniz, I. 2006, The 12 Different Ways for companies to Innovate,MIT Sloan management review, vol.6, no.3
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